Thursday, August 2, 2012

Summa Time

Starting this up has been a little slow for that I am done with finals for the summer I am going to make posts a more-regular thing (pretty sure I can multi-task while watching re-runs of  reality TV shows). With school starting again in two weeks, I definitely need to make the most of it. Summers for me come and go so fast! I am trying to finish my degree in the next two years so going to class during summers is a must. Bye-Bye childhood summer days.

 Salt Lake City is actually a really great place during the summer. There is so much to do. I remember moving here and thinking what in the world is in Utah? I honestly thought that there was absolutely nothing here whatsoever. Anyways, here are some great things about Utah summers that I would like
to share!

Twilight Concert Series (Every Thursday Night from July-Early September)
Every year the Salt Lake City Arts Council brings different artists to downtown for outdoor concerts. This used to be free but the crowds got too crazy so this year they started charging $5 admission for each of the shows. However, these aren't those local bands that you have never heard before. They have had artists such as Modest Mouse, Lupe Fiasco, Nas, Iron and Wine (who is coming soon!!), She and Him...the list goes on. It is a great way to get out for little money!

Yes, Utah is home to some of the 'best snow on earth' but the ski resorts also have stuff to do in the summer too. I have actually never done this but I have always wanted to. They have a giant slide (pictured above), a ropes course, zip line, and much more. It looks so fun! I think my boyfriend and I are going to go sometime next week {aka expect a post on that later :)}

This is my guilty pleasure. I LOOOVEE the farmers market. Every Saturday I drag Brady downtown with me to pick up some local fruits and veggies (and a minty limeade). All I can say is I love it and you should go.

Bee's Games
No, I am not really a huge baseball fan, I prefer basketball. However, Salt Lake City Bee's games are a must during the summer! It's baseball, the American way. Get a hot dog, a beer, some good friends and you have a wonderful summer night.

That's a little of what I will be doing while I soak up the last little bit of my summer! Would love to hear some of your favorite things to do where you live!
Thanks for reading!
xo, Amy


  1. It's so funny because I also write my blog posts watching re-runs of reality TV ;)
    ps: I can't understand the rules of baseball... I tried so many times but it's so complicated and we don't have it in France. French people only swear by soccer...

  2. Haha yeah I don't really understand baseball either. The games are so long 3 hours? Ha and reality TV is definitely my weakness, it's so horrible but I love it :)

  3. Cute images! Thanks for stopping by my blog :)


  4. I love the ski resort picture:)

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