Monday, October 7, 2013

Downtown Dwelling and the Beginning of Fall

I finally moved into my new apartment the other day and I couldn't be more excited. I'm now living in downtown Salt Lake so I am pretty close to everything. There is something about moving into a new place with an entirely blank slate that sparks my creativity (and the walls are painted- score!). I have so many ideas of how I want to decorate. To be honest, I haven't been much of a decorator in the past. Getting essential furniture was much more important than making sure the place I lived in was "cute" or reflected my taste at all. Now that I have most of the essentials and I already feel more at "home" in my new place I can't wait to decorate and share bits and pieces with you!

Fall has officially arrived. I know- blah blah fall this, fall that. It has been 50 degrees here the last few days and I almost brought out one of my coats it was that cold, and I consider myself to be one of those annoying people who is like 60 degrees? I'm still in shorts. Not this year. brrrr... and the mountains got some snow on the tops (these photos were taken on the 25th of September).

In other exciting news, I am going to DC for fall break to visit my dad and will be spending some time with my friend Katie. On my to-do list: thrift shopping, find berger cookies, visit old friends, and maybe even (attempt) to go sailing if it's not too cold.

Happy Monday, thanks for reading!