Tuesday, August 14, 2012

101 Dalmatians

Soooo everyone bear with me here, this is my first attempt at an 'outfit photo'. I'm sure many of you can relate that it is not the most comfortable thing at first...but here goes!

Dress: H&M (same print in a super cute peplum top here) / Bag: Kate Spade (no longer available but get the fall version here, also loving this style)/ Shoes: Old Navy (similar)/ Belt: Target (on sale!!)/ Watch: Nordstrom

So I bought this dress at H&M over the weekend and it totally reminds me of 101 Dalmatians. Loved that movie when I was a kid, totally wanted one of the dogs. I wore this outfit to a work event. You could totally dress it up more with some heels or add a blazer during the cooler months. 

Also, that last picture is the beautiful Marriot Library at the University of Utah. Also known as my second home during the school year. Only 5 more days of summer!
Would love to hear your thoughts!
Thanks for reading!


  1. That's so cute! And I love the title too!


  2. Congrats on your first outfit post!! It's kind of a big deal to us "new bloggers" so I totally know how you feel. It does get easier, trust me!!
    I love this dress, even tried it on last time I was at H&M! It looks great on you - especially with the belt you added. Keep it up :)


  3. Congrats on first outfit post, you look and did great. The outfit is so cute.


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