Monday, November 26, 2012


I hope you all had a fabulous weekend full of eating, shopping, and spending time with family. I know I sure did! I actually did not go Black Friday shopping (which I was kind of proud of). I went to Target at 10PM on Thursday and lasted about 10 minutes. The lines were so long and it was so hard to even get through the store because they had everything barricaded off. Not my thing. (here is my photo as proof)
So, today is Cyber Monday and that means no waiting in crazy lines or dealing with crazy people just to get a good deal! Here are a couple of sales I will be shopping this Monday.

Urban Outfitters: Many of their basic pieces are still on sale throughout today. This is a great time to stock up on those basic pieces you can build upon. I have been wanting these for a while and you can never have too many of these!

Piperlime: Their 20% off goes through today. Just enter the code CYBER at checkout and get 20% off your entire purchase. (Plus, they always have free shipping!). 

Gap, Banana Republic and Old Navy: 30% off with the same code CYBER at checkout. 
My picks: 1/2/3/4/5

Sole Society: Get $20 off your first pair with code SHOELOVE.

There are my list of deals for this Cyber Monday! Would love to hear any Black Friday stories you have to share.
Thanks so much for reading!


  1. Great recommendations! I went to Target at like 3 am on Black Friday...nobody was there!

  2. Your Target experience sounds a lot like mine. The lines were way to long for me!


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