Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Quick Fit Tips

image via pinterest
I don't know about you, but I have been struggling to get back into a regular fitness routine. When I was in high school I had no problem going to the gym everyday for an hour, but now it is just really hard for me to be motivated.
Since I am studying Exercise and Sport Science, I know how important it is to exercise for so many different reasons, so here are some of my tips on keeping to your New Years Resolution.
 (Disclaimer: These are just my personal opinions/views) 

- If you honestly cannot get to the gym one day, find some exercises you can do at home, even in front of your TV ;). Lauren Conrad has some great quick exercises you can do at home. (her entire fitness section is actually really great). I always do crunches and little exercises in front of the TV instead of just mindlessly sitting there.

-Write down you exercise plan for the week so you will be more inclined to stick to it. I write all the classes I am going to go to and what I am going to do each day. This way, I can modify it if something comes up one day.

-Don't feel guilty. If you do not exercise one day, there is always tomorrow. Don't use it as a way to procrastinate and not exercise at all but you are not doing yourself any favors stressing about missing one workout.

-Try something new. Never been to Bikram yoga, Zumba, Cycling? Try it, you may find something you enjoy and didn't even know it!

- Always carry water with you to stay hydrated and curve cravings. I am always carrying around my Camelbak water bottle. I drink so much more water when I have it with me.

-Keep healthy snacks with you. When that 3PM craving hits, I will eat almost anything. It is so important to keep healthy snacks nearby so you are always keeping on track!

- Cook more at home. This is another one of my goals this year. There are so many hidden calories when you eat out. Plus, cooking is fun!

This is a little different than my usual posts, but I am really trying hard to get back into shape and I am sure some of my readers are too. These are some things that helped me and I hope they may help you too!

Thanks for reading!


  1. Love these tips!

  2. thanks for the tips!

  3. Hi! Great post - just did one too (Body after Baby). Tis the season for back to the gym!

    Love your green Kate Spade bag too!

    xo Lulu

  4. I've increased my water by loads! I found your blog on Megan's, where you commented on her beauty homemade recipes. I wanted to stop by and share my blog since it is full if them! Have a great day and thanks for the tips!

  5. Love all these tips...they are right on! I definitely need to work them into my lifestyle!


  6. I like the tip about doing crunchies or something minimal while watching tv. i have a treadmill in our basement and always watch Friends while speed walking haha, it's better than eating popcorn!

  7. thx hun - good advice :)
    x the cookies

  8. im the same, ive been hitting the gym everyday this week but i kinda wish i didnt have to

  9. I'm totally with you on this! Definitely trying to get back in shape (ps. I have my camelbak water everywhere I go too! haha)

    xo Olivia
    This Looks Good On You


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