Monday, December 31, 2012

2013 and 22

Although I believe that any time of the year is a good time to make changes, the New Year is a classic time to reflect and set new goals for the coming year. Here are some of my New Years goals/resolutions for the upcoming year.

-Work-Out at least 4 days a week
-Master my new Canon Rebel
-Post on this wonderful blog 5 days a week
- Hang up everything in my apartment that I have been putting off
-Take a road trip to Seattle, Portland, or San Francisco 
- Keep to my budget and save 
- Stop being in such a rush all the time and spend more quality time with the people I care about

That last one starts tonight! Today is my 22nd Birthday and I will be spending time with loved ones eating delicious food and enjoying the last day of the year. 
Have a drink for me and have a very Happy (and safe) New Year! 


  1. Definitely take a road trip through all three of those places! Absolutely adore the west coast ;)
    xo TJ

    1. I would love some recommendations if you have any :)

  2. I need to master my Canon too! I think I need to take a class on it. There is so much on it that I don't really know!


    Fashion and Beauty Finds

    1. I feel the same way! There is just so much you could do, its just learning how!

  3. Those are some great resolutions..I def need to try to hit the gym more. All those yummy Christmas/NYE treats are killing me! haha

    xo Olivia
    This Looks Good On You


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