Friday, October 26, 2012

Last Day In London

I guess I took an impromptu break from blogging this week. I had a huge test and I guess sleeping between studying took over blogging! Sorry about that! Here are the last pictures from my trip to London! We went to see the few things we had not seen on our last day, and later went to see Singing in the Rain, which was amazing!
 The double-decker buses are so funny to me but they are awesome. Just make sure to run down the stairs in time to get off though!
Westminster Abbey. I cannot explain to you how enormous this church is! It's so old too. It was closed when we went there but I would have loved to go inside. 
The back of Westminster Abbey.

 Parliament Building

 The Eye of London. Did not get to go on this but next trip!

 The Farmers Market in Chelsea. Licorice, anyone?

Love Farmers markets!

What I wore: Dress: H&M Bag: Steven by Steve Madden Sweater: Halogen (old) Leggings: F21 Belt: F21 Scarf: H&M (recent, could not find online) Shoes: Target Sunglasses: Nordstrom BP Watch:Skagen Bracelets: F21J.Crew Factory

Also, while I was there I had the opportunity to go see two shows: Matilda and Singing in the Rain. They were both amazing. In Singing in the Rain it really did rain on stage and if you were in the first couple of rows, you were bound to get wet. Matilda was absolutely amazing, if you are in London anytime soon I highly recommend it.

The stage at Matilda.

I am sure you have seen enough of my trip to London so that is the last of it! Big thanks to my Grandparents for having me as their guest, love you!

I hope you have an amazing weekend!
Thanks for reading!


  1. Great photos! Looks like such a fun trip! Cute dress!


  2. Great pictures. I was there this summer and fell in love with London. What a great city!


  3. Love your dress... these pictures are amazing have been dying to visit here!


  4. I see the weather was proper English too, huh...all grey and rainy ;)


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