Tuesday, April 2, 2013

A Day In Solomons

 While I was in DC I had to make the trip down to Solomons, MD, the small town where I grew up.I used to go back every summer but as I have gotten older it has been harder to take the time off to go. I have so many fond memories of living here and wanted to share a few photos with you of the place I used to call home.

 Drum Point Lighthouse
Calvert Marine Museum
More of the Calvert Marine Museum

 The Pier
St. Mary's Church / 'Coney Island'- The Ice Cream place on the Pier. My favorite! It's only open during the summer though. 
Where I used to sail in High School, so much fun!
These ducks usually have a different outfit on everyday. Sadly they were naked when I saw them but I still had to snap a photo. They have rain gear, easter outfits, christmas outfits. It's always a treat to go see what the ducks are wearing on the island. 
The infamous Tiki bar. On April 19th, the streets will be closed off because there are SO many people that go to the opening of this place. It's kind of funny actually. 
My old house. So many good memories here! 
Last but not least, one of my very best friends Katie and I.
 I was so glad to see her and get to spend some time and catch up after 3 years. Her family is like my adopted family so it is always good to spend time with the people you love who live far away. 
That is the last of my trip to DC! I had a lot of fun and can't wait to go back!
Hope you all had a great April Fools Day! Did you pull any good pranks or have them pulled on you?
Thanks for reading!

1 comment:

  1. I love small towns! Looks like a fun place to grow up :)



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