Monday, March 18, 2013


Here's a glimpse into what I have been up to lately. This is the first night I have slept in my own bed in over a week. It has been so crazy but I am taking in every moment that I can. 
From left to right:
First day in Washington DC visiting the mall and the Washington Monument
Jefferson Memorial
Lincoln Memorial
Washington Wizards Game
Georgetown Cupcakes
On my way to MD crossing the state line!
Visiting my friend Katie! Had not seen her in 4 years.
Hanging out with one of my very best friends who is here to visit
Celebrating St. Patty's Day!

I cannot believe how fast time flies! Spring break was fun and busy at the same time.
I hope you had a safe and fun St. Patricks Day and I hope you have a great Monday!
Thanks for reading!


  1. Looks like you've been up to lots of fun :)


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