Wednesday, October 17, 2012

I'm Baaackk

I hope you had a fabulous week last week! I know I did! London was so much fun. It's such a great city and I really enjoyed exploring it.
 My second day there we ventured to the British Museum and on our way back home we stopped by Picadilly Circus and Buckingham Palace. Here's a few snaps from my trip!

The outside of the British Museum.
 I loved the inside of this museum and it's free entry so if you are in London I highly recommend going there!

My first fish and chips. 

 Oh you know, just on my way to school. 

Picadilly Circus. I would compare this to Times Square in New York and in my opinion there is no real reason to go there unless you want super touristy stuff. 

 Buckingham Palace.

What I wore: Sweater: H&M Pants: J.Crew (old, similar) Shoes: Target Purse: Kate Spade (similar) Necklace: F21 Watch: Skagen (Also, the rain jacket that I wore is North Face and this one is similar and on sale!)

That night we also went to dinner at Restaurant Gordon Ramsay in Chelsea for my grandpa's 70th birthday. It was incredible. Definitely some of the best food I have had in my life. 
image via

I only took one picture while we were there because I did not want to be one of those people with their camera out the whole meal taking pictures of everything. Here is the one I did get a photo of: the lobster ravioli. It was to die for. 

Sorry for the photo overload! I hope you are having a great week!
Thanks for reading!


  1. So fun! I am jealous, but thank goodness I can live vicariously through these photos!!!

  2. London looks awesome! Glad you had a good time :)

  3. Looks like a great time! I really want your outfit!

  4. How fun! I've never been to London! Maybe someday.I love all of your pictures!

  5. I LOVE your sweater and bag!! Great color combo!! xx


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