image via pinterest
I don't know about you, but I have been struggling to get back into a regular fitness routine. When I was in high school I had no problem going to the gym everyday for an hour, but now it is just really hard for me to be motivated.
Since I am studying Exercise and Sport Science, I know how important it is to exercise for so many different reasons, so here are some of my tips on keeping to your New Years Resolution.
(Disclaimer: These are just my personal opinions/views)
- If you honestly cannot get to the gym one day, find some exercises you can do at home, even in front of your TV ;).
Lauren Conrad has some great quick exercises you can do at home. (her entire fitness section is actually really great). I always do crunches and little exercises in front of the TV instead of just mindlessly sitting there.
-Write down you exercise plan for the week so you will be more inclined to stick to it. I write all the classes I am going to go to and what I am going to do each day. This way, I can modify it if something comes up one day.
-Don't feel guilty. If you do not exercise one day, there is always tomorrow. Don't use it as a way to procrastinate and not exercise at all but you are not doing yourself any favors stressing about missing one workout.
-Try something new. Never been to Bikram yoga, Zumba, Cycling? Try it, you may find something you enjoy and didn't even know it!
- Always carry water with you to stay hydrated and curve cravings. I am always carrying around my
Camelbak water bottle. I drink so much more water when I have it with me.
-Keep healthy snacks with you. When that 3PM craving hits, I will eat almost anything. It is so important to keep healthy snacks nearby so you are always keeping on track!
- Cook more at home. This is another one of my goals this year. There are so many hidden calories when you eat out. Plus, cooking is fun!
This is a little different than my usual posts, but I am really trying hard to get back into shape and I am sure some of my readers are too. These are some things that helped me and I hope they may help you too!
Thanks for reading!